Friday 11 April 2014

Chapter 1-3.


A Research Paper Presented to 
The English Resource Center 
School of Multimedia Arts 
Asia Pacific College 
Magallanes, Makati 

In Partial Fulfilment 
of the Requirements for the Course 
ERESWRT – Research Writing 

Lyniel C. Reyes
April 2014 


A. Background of Study

Lying is normal. A person can't last a day without lying. Sometimes, people wouldn't even noticed that they just lied because it's a normal thing. For example, just by greeting someone, asking them if how they're doing when they actually don't care. It seems good but a lie is still a lie.

Ulrich Boser wrote an article entitled, "We're All Lying Liars: Why people Tell Lies, and Why White Lies Can Be Ok". According to it, people tend to lie for about 2 or 3 times in every 10 minutes. The reason why people lie is because people want to gain rewards, for example, to protect a friend or a lover.

Boser said, "Admit it: You've lied. You told a friend that his shirt looked stylish when you actually thought it was tacky and garish. Or maybe you said to your boss that her presentations were fascinating when in fact they were insipidly mindless. Or perhaps you told your landlord that the rent check was in the mail. Don't feel bad. You're in good, dishonest company. A growing body of research shows that people lie constantly, that deception is pervasive in everyday life." 


Lying makes people socially acceptable. Everyone do it in order to socialize with everybody. It is even said that it seems better to tell a small lie than having someone worrying unnecessarily, or becoming sad, or losing momentum. It still has some positive effects, but even though, there are still consequences that people need to face when they tell lies. 

An author named Chris Cotter wrote an article entitled, "Lies, A Part Of Human Nature". According to it, it's a fact that everyone lies every day points to the conclusion that untruths are an indivisible part of human nature. We tell lies to make problems less daunting. For example, one of their loved ones asks if how are they doing, they tell that person that they're fine because they don't want that person to worry.

Cotter said, "From a very young age, we're told not to lie, but we're also simultaneously lied to about Santa Claus, or about the pet dog's death. We're similarly told to lie in order to avoid hurting another's feelings."

People have this nature in them where they can't stand people who's close to us, getting hurt. So they tell lies in order for them to feel better. Just like what their parents told them when they were still kids, about Santa Claus, tooth fairies, or fairy tales, they told them that to make them feel happy. And in the future, everyone be doing the same for their kids. But, this is one of the reason why people learn to lie.

An author named Po Bronson wrote an article entitled "Learning to Lie". According to it, kids learned how to lie because their parents teach them to. Parents don't exactly tell their kids to lie, but kids see them doing it. Kids see their parents as one of their role models, so when one of the parents, they'll copy it. 

Bronson said, "Consider how we expect a child to act when he opens a gift he doesn't like. We instruct him to swallow all his honest reactions and put on a polite smile."

People learnt how to lie when they were kids so it's normal to lie. It is said that lying is part of people's nature. But that doesn't mean people can't avoid it. Anyone can and people need to avoid it. As I've said, there are consequences when people lie, may be it a white lie, or a black lie. Therefore, a lie is still a lie. One of the consequence people might face is the effect of lies in a relationship.

An author named Martie Lownsberry wrote an article entitles "How Can Lying Affect a Relationship". According to it, a lie can destroy a strong built relationship. Trust and respect built one strong relationship. It is said that without these two, a relationship is doomed to suffer if not fail. If someone lie, it can destroy the two most most important ingredient in relationship. If someone lie, that person will lose their trust and leave their partner disrespected.

Lownsberry said, "Doubting someone you love puts a strain on the relationship that never quite goes away. The person being lied too may feel the need to verify everything you say to them. Over time, this erodes the relationship. While one partner gets weary of not being able to trust their partner, the other partner begins to weary of never being trusted. Arguments can ensure, and even acting out of anger and a sense of frustration may occur making it even harder for trust to be reestablished."

Lying really can give a huge impact on one's relationship with anyone. But it is said that lying in unstoppable. However, researcher observes that lying can be avoidable. There are several ways on how to know if someone is lying.

Having an idea when someone is lying can help people. When people caught someone lying and confront them, sure they'll not lie again. This can help people to stop lying and it'll be easy for people to not be fooled easily.

The purpose of this making this paper is to help people know the bad effects of lying. And also, to help the reader to easily figure out when someone is lying to them.

B. Statement of the Problem.

This study aims to answer the question:

1. What are the different ways to figure out if someone is lying?

C. Significance of Study.

College students of Psychology. This research paper should help college students who are taking Bachelor of Science in Psychology to know more or to get more ideas about the background of lying. College students can take this research paper as an activity to figure out liars.

Teachers and Professor of Psychology. This research should help teachers an professors who teaches students of psychology. Then can gain and learn some new things in this research paper, and teach them to students.

Parents. This research paper should help parents to have knowledge about lies. This research paper will help them to know how honest their family is. And also, this will help them to improve their family bond.

Future Researcher. This research paper should help future researcher to gain more knowledge about this topic. This will help them understand the topic more. This can be their basis for researcher's activities. And also, they'll learn things on how to figure out liars.

D. Scope and Delimitation.

This research focuses on the different ways on how to know when someone is lying. Lying is one of the most dangerous situations that can destroy relationships. Lying has huge impact on everyone's lives so it must be avoided at all cost.

This research will no longer focus on the psychological effects of Lies. This will mainly focus on knowing when someone is lying at what it can do to improve people's relationship with each other. 

E. Materials and Methods.

The sources that was used in this research are mostly gathered from online articles that discusses lies and relationship.

Datas were analyzed  by pointing and discussing ways on how lying affect everyone. Articles were gathered to form ways on how to figure liars. 

F.. Definition of Terms.

1. Consequence. Something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions, (

2. Deception. The act of making someone believe something that is not true : the act of deceiving someone. (

3. Dishonest. characterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthines (

4. Lie. To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. (


What are the different ways to figure out if someone is lying?

I. Definition and Types of Lies.

Lie is normally defined as a false statement to a person who knows it's not the whole truth. intentionally.  It is saying things to someone when they clearly know that it's not the whole truth. Lying is not necessarily there to deceive in a sinister way - people lie to protect themselves, to protect others, as well as to use. Researches said that lying is just normal and it's part of our nature.

Other definition of Lie is (a) "an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive"; (b) "an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker"; (c) "something that misleads or deceives" - according to Merriam - Webster Dictionary. ( It is a situation involving deception. In short, it's an intentionally false statement.

Aside from the bad lie, or "black" lie. There is another type of lie. the "WHITE LIE." It's the kind of lie that is on the good side. It is done to protect someone or food one's good sake. White lies, for instance, are harmless. Not so. In addition to causing increased suspicion and doubt from those who uncover them. White Lies are harmless, and sometimes also beneficial.

A White Lies is a harmless or trivial lie. It is done to avoid hurting someone's feeling. Urban Dictionary defined White Lie as (a) "A lie with good intentions."; (b) "A lie told with the intent of sparing someone’s feelings.". (

However, in an article entitled, "White Lies, What's the Harm?", John Seeley said that White lies are more dangerous. It hurts a person's self esteem, and therefore all relationships. Each one may not be damaging, but if they find themselves doing it daily or more, it will began to add up.

Seeley stated, "Some white lies make logical sense. If it avoids hurting someone else’s feelings, maybe it’s better that being completely honest. After all honesty without compassion is cruelty.(

II. Ways on how to know when someone is lying.

A. A person can detect liars by using their senses.

Wouldn't it be great if a person could tell when someone is lying? Even better, with just using his/her senses. People don't need to buy their own Lie Detector just to know if who's lying. People just need to learn to be a good observer. A person just need to ask the right questions and observe their body language to catch them in the act. 

It's really hard to determine when someone's lying. However, an article entitled, "How Lying Works", Tom Scheve stated that when detecting deceit, person's unconscious instincts may be more accurate than conscious thought while making judgements about others. People may have some intuitive sense, outside of conscious awareness, that is able to tell when someone is lying.

Scheve said, "The ability to lie is a cognitive accomplishment. While we look down on the practice from a moraland ethical point of view, lying isn't normally done without a pretty good motive". (

Here in the list are some several ways on how to detect deception:

1. Establishing a person's baseline.

There is no magic bullet to uncovering a lie; therefore, lie detection must be approached wisely, carefully, and most importantly, questioningly. The more a person inquires, the better the chances that he can establish a good baseline and discover contradictions.

In an article entitled "How to Tell If Someone Is Lying, Part III: Establishing a Baseline", Maggy Pazian stated that establishing a baseline means observing a person’s behaviour when he or she is under normal, or is the latter's attitude is just what he or she is. If that person is out of her normal attitude, he or she can be lying.

Pazian said, "Once you get a sense of how they act normally, you are then in a better position to analyze behavioral changes as your conversation progresses. Establishing a baseline also increases your awareness to odd behaviors that may signal deception." (

When a person understands how a person acts under normal conditions, it is easy to spot a break in their behaviour. This is one of the important steps to figure people do lies. Sometimes, people don't even need to do something else aside from establishing one's baseline.

According to an article entitled "The Baseline: The First Step in Lie Detection", by Joseph L. Giacalone, in order to detect deception, people should establish the person's behaviour, mood, and mannerism first. Before a person can detect if the other person is lying, he needs to know the behaviour of that person. If the person they're talking to isn't much of a talker, but suddenly became talkative when he start questioning her, that's a hint.

Giacalone stated, "It is easier to identify the baseline changes in people we know because we are around them so much." (

2. By listening.

Listening is also one of the important ways on how to detect liars. After a person establishes a person's baseline, listen to him. That person can be more talkative or blabbering too much information that isn't needed. By just listening, he can observe him right away.

Tom Scheve wrote an article entitled, "How Lying Works", according to it, there are times that a person doesn't show much of body language. A person needs to observe the verbal information they receive. Lies make people chatty. A liar may talk a lot to win them over, but most of those extra sentences are fluff. Phrases like “The truth is” or “To be honest” can mean that if they aren't lying to him now, they were earlier.

Scheve said, "Sometimes, there will be no body language or visual cues that accompany a lie. You have to rely on the verbal information you receive." (

Aside from observing a person's words, people should also observe other things. Listening doesn't mean people just listen to the words that comes out from a person's mouth. Notice also the way her voice change.

Dan Roberts wrote an article entitled, "The fool-proof way to detect a liar (honest!)". According to it, when a person is lying, his voice or pitch will increase. Although it's hard to point out the increase of pitch, people can notice it by asking a tricky question and the latter will answer in a higher voice.

Roberts said, "If you know what their voice normally sounds like, and when they answer a tricky question their voice sounds higher than usual, something may be amiss." (

3. Observing a person's pauses.

When telling a lie, the liar will usually make up events as he talks. This usually results in slower talking speed or in stopping many times while talking in order to find what to say. They'll notice that the person pause to think before answering them. The pause is a great torture for liars. They'll find out the inconsistency on his words because of too much thinking of excuses.

Patti A. wrote an article entitled, "HOW TO SPOT A LIAR". According to it, a person pauses because he's thinking of reasons. People can also notice that when a person pauses, he will likely look from left to right. His eyes moves frequently while creating a response in their head.

Patti stated, "Liars have longer pauses, shorter answers and longer times between a question and a response than someone who is merely nervous. It makes sense that liars need time to create the lie, recalling the truth takes less time." (

The speech of a liar will be full of unusual pauses. This happens because while a person is telling a lie he has to think of a story which he fakes as an answer to any given question. Thinking about a picture and making up a story takes time.

Avanika Mote wrote an article entitled, "Signs of Lying". According to it, if the person talks too much because of blabbering of informations, the person will surely pause in between sentences. A liar is reasoning too much that his details aren't matched together so the person will pause to think something to straighten out the details he is saying.

Mote said, "The reason behind the slight delay in replying is same as that of unusual pauses. It also happens because a liar's sensory pattern slows down while telling a lie. On being asked a question about minute details, the person will tend to get defensive at first to avoid a delay in replying. He would then, take a little pause and continue telling a lie. One should be able to read between the lines, besides just observing the body language." (

4. Noticing the changing of subject.

One of the easiest way to catch liars is to listen to him without saying anything. Let him speak without asking any question. People can observe that if a liar notice the quietness of the latter, he will change the topic. When the liar noticed that the latter is starting to talk about something else, he will be relaxed.

Garry Crystal wrote an article entitled, "How can I detect Lies?". According to it, if a person is lying, he will willingly change topic and be more relaxed. However, if a person is telling the truth, he will typically be confused confused to the sudden change of topic.

Crystal said, "Another sign of someone telling a lie is yawning — the person may try and look as relaxed as possible, and yawing and stretching are ways of achieving this." (

A person who wants to hide something will usually try to avoid bringing it up in the conversation. Try to talk about anything related to the situation without addressing it directly and see if the person tries to jump to another topic. When the person felt that the subject is changing, he'll start to be comfortable. Observe and see if the person's behaviour is coming back to its baseline.

Ryan wrote an article entitled, "Detect, Confirm, Reveal: Confessions of a Human Lie Detector Detect, Confirm, Reveal: Confessions of a Human Lie Detector". According to it, a person can detect liar by letting the latter to change the subject. Through this way, the person can observe and study more the behaviour of the liar.

Ryan said. "The Human Lie Detector will find a distraction nearby and take the spotlight off the subject.  Being “let off the hook” is just as telling; the deceiver will launch at this opportunity returning once again to base rate behaviour." (

B. By using Lie Detectors.

Lie Detector is an easy way to determine when someone is lying. People don't need to use their senses, just put the person in the detector, ask question, then poof! The truth will be revealed. But the disadvantage of this, it costs so much and normally, this is used with criminal investigations.

Lie Detectors are instruments that monitor a person's physiological reactions. These Lie Detectors can't detect directly if a person is lying. When asked a question, the detector will see the change in a person'a heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and electro-dermal activity(sweatiness in fingers). If these changes in the comparison of the normal level, fluctuations will indicate that the person is indeed lying.

Kevin Bonsor, who wrote an article entitled, "How Lie Detector Works", stated that Undergoing a lie detector test can be an intimidating experience that can challenge the nerves of even the most stoic person. A person is sitting there with wires and tubes attached to and wrapped around his body. Even if they have nothing to hide, they could be afraid that the metal-box instrument sitting next to them will say otherwise. Fittingly, undergoing the uncomfortable experience of a polygraph test is often referred to as "going on the box." (

However, some people still don't believe that Lie Detector works. In the same article, it stated, "Polygraph testing is probably only around 70 percent accurate, and it has a great bias against truthful people. Then, what the proponents say, looking at the same research, they reach a quite different conclusion, and that is that polygraph testing is around 90 percent accurate.". (



This paper attempted to determine the benefits of having an idea about lying. This attempted to teach readers on how to know the background study of lying.
The research design I used in this study is the descriptive method wherein data from documents and interviews were used to answer there research question posed. The research findings are the following:

1. Lying is normal and part of our nature. Everyone lies.

2. It's socially useful to tell lies. Lying makes everyone socially useful.

3. People started to lie when they were still kids. Kids learned how to lie by imitating their parents.

4. Lying can destroy a strong built relationship. It can cause a big damage on everyone's relationship.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: 

1. Lying is bad but it's done to protect someone. It is also part of everyone's nature.

2. There are two types of lies: (a) Black lies, or the bad lies, and (b). White lies, or the good lies.

3. Liars can be detected by using a person's senses and observation.

4. Liars can easily be caught by using Lie Detectors.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. People should avoid lying as much as possible.

2. People should think before lying. Think on what their action will do in return.

3. People should start to learn the techniques on how to catch someone lying so people won't be easily fooled. It'll be for their own good. 


A. Electronic Media.

Bonsor, K. (17 July 2001) "How Lie Detectors Works" from

Boser, U. (18 May 2009). "We're All Lying Liars: Why people Tell Lies, and Why White Lies Can Be Ok" from

Bronson, P. (10 February 2008) "Learning to Lie" from

Cotter, C. (2013) "Lies, A Part Of Human Nature" from

Crystal G. (19 April 2014) "How can I detect Lies?" from

Giacalone, J. (11 March 2013) "The Baseline: The First Step in Lie Detection" from

Lownsberry, M. (19 January 2010) "How Can Lying Affect a Relationship" from

Mote, A. (05 March 2012) "Signs of lying" from

Patti, A. (2012) "HOW TO SPOT A LIAR" from

Pazian, M. (21 October 2010) "How to Tell If Someone Is Lying, Part III: Establishing a Baseline" from

Roberts, D. (07 November 2011) "The fool-proof way to detect a liar (honest!)" from

Ryan (12 August 2012) "Detect, Confirm, Reveal: Confessions of a Human Lie Detector Detect, Confirm, Reveal: Confessions of a Human Lie Detector" from

Scheve, T. (09 December 2008) "How Lying Works" from

Seeley, J. (2011) "White Lies, What's the Harm?" from




            This paper attempted to determine the benefits of having an idea about lying. This attempted to teach readers on how to know when someone is lying.
            The research design I used in this study is the descriptive method wherein data from documents and interviews were used to answer there research question posed. The research findings are the following:

1. Lying is normal and part of our nature. We started to lie when we were kids and it's socially useful to tell lies.

2. Lying gives huge impact on everyone's relationship. It can destroy a strong built relationship.

3. Liars can be caught with some simple person just by using his senses. You can catch him on the spot by observing his every action.

4. Liars can easily be caught by using Lie Detectors. It'll know when you're lying easily.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: 

1. Lying is normal and part of our nature.

2. Lying gives huge impact on everyone's relationship.

3. People can detect liars by using their senses.

4. Liars can easily be caught by using Lie Detectors.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. People should avoid lying as much as possible.

2. People should think before lying. Think on what their action will do in return.

3. People should start to learn the techniques on how to catch someone lying so you won't be easily fooled. It'll be for their own good. 


A. Electronic Media.

Ulrich Boser (18 May 2009). "We're All Lying Liars: Why people Tell Lies, and Why White Lies Can Be Ok" from

Chris Cotter (2013) "Lies, A Part Of Human Nature" from

Po Bronson (10 February 2008) "Learning to Lie" from

Martie Lownsberry (19 January 2010) "How Can Lying Affect a Relationship" from

John Seeley (2011) "White Lies, What's the Harm?" from

Tom Scheve (09 December 2008) "How Lying Works" from

Kevin Bonsor (17 July 2001) "How Lie Detectors Works" from

Thursday 10 April 2014



What are the different ways to figure out if someone is lying?

I. Definition and Types of Lies.

               Lie is normally defined as a false statement to a person who knows it's not the whole truth. intentionally.  It is saying things to someone when you clearly know that it's not the whole truth. Lying is not necessarily there to deceive in a sinister way - people lie to protect themselves, to protect others, as well as to use. Researches said that lying is just normal and it's part of our nature.

              Other definition of Lie is (a) "an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive"; (b) "an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker"; (c) "something that misleads or deceives" - according to Merriam - Webster Dictionary. ( It is a situation involving deception. In short, it's an intentionally false statement.

               Aside from the bad lie, or "black" lie. There is another type of lie. the "WHITE LIE." It's the kind of lie that is on the good side. It is done to protect someone or food one's good sake. White lies, for instance, are harmless. Not so. In addition to causing increased suspicion and doubt from those who uncover them. White Lies are harmless, and sometimes also beneficial.

               A White Lies is a harmless or trivial lie. It is done to avoid hurting someone's feeling. Urban Dictionary defined White Lie as (a) "A lie with good intentions."; (b) "A lie told with the intent of sparing someone’s feelings.". (

               However, in an article entitled, "White Lies, What's the Harm?", John Seeley said that White lies are more dangerous. It hurts your self esteem, and therefore all relationships. Each one may not be damaging, but if you find yourself doing it daily or more, it will began to add up. Some white lies make logical sense. If it avoids hurting someone else’s feelings, maybe it’s better that being completely honest. After all honesty without compassion is cruelty. (

II. Ways on how to know when someone is lying.

A. By using your senses.

               Wouldn't it be great if you could tell when someone is lying? Even better, with just using your senses. You don't need to buy your own Lie Detector just to know if who's lying. You need to learn to be a good observer. You just need to ask the right questions and observe their body language to catch them in the act. 

               It's really hard to determine when someone's lying. However, an article entitled, "How Lying Works", Tom Scheve taught some ways on how to detect when someone is lying. The article helped out on how to separate liars from the truth-tellers. (

Establish the baseline. First, establish the person's behaviour, mood, and mannerism. Before you start questioning that person, observe. Is he nervous? Is he fidgeting? Is he distracted? Liars can look directly into your eyes, but you'll notice something. If the person blinks too much, or makes no eye contact. Or if he gets offended easily when you asks question, that's a red flag.

Look for deviation from the baseline. Spot for a deviation from an established pattern of behaviour. Before you can detect if the person is lying, you need to know the behaviour of that person. If the person you're talking to isn't much of a talker, but suddenly became talkative when you start questioning her, that's a hint. Try to observe if the person pauses before answering, because that's the time when our brain fabricated data. 

Listen. There are times that a person doesn't show much of body language. You need to observe the verbal information you receive. Lies make us chatty. A liar may talk a lot to win you over, but most of those extra sentences are fluff. Phrases like “The truth is” or “To be honest” can mean that if they aren't lying to you now, they were earlier.

Pause. When telling a lie, the liar will usually make up events as he talks. This usually results in slower talking speed or in stopping many times while talking in order to find what to say. You'll notice that the person pause to think before answering you. The pause is a great torture for liars. You'll find out the inconsistency on his words because of too much thinking of excuses.

Change of Subject. A person who wants to hide something will usually try to avoid bringing it up in the conversation. Try to talk about anything related to the situation without addressing it directly and see if the person tries to jump to another topic. When the person felt that the subject is changing, he'll start to be comfortable. Observe and see if the person's behaviour is coming back to its baseline.

               This steps can help you to detect lies. As Scheve said, "The ability to lie is a cognitive accomplishment. While we look down on the practice from a moraland ethical point of view, lying isn't normally done without a pretty good motive". We must detect lies to avoid problems. (

B. By using Lie Detectors.

               Lie Detector is an easy way to determine when someone is lying. You don't need to use your senses, just put the person in the detector, ask question, then poof! The truth will be revealed. But the disadvantage of this, it costs so much and normally, this is used with criminal investigations.

               Lie Detectors are instruments that monitor a person's physiological reactions. These Lie Detectors can't detect directly if a person is lying. When asked a question, the detector will see the change in a person'a heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and electro-dermal activity(sweatiness in fingers). If these changes in the comparison of the normal level, fluctuations will indicate that the person is indeed lying.

      Kevin Bonsor, who wrote an article entitled, "How Lie Detector Works", stated that Undergoing a lie detector test can be an intimidating experience that can challenge the nerves of even the most stoic person. You are sitting there with wires and tubes attached to and wrapped around your body. Even if you have nothing to hide, you could be afraid that the metal-box instrument sitting next to you will say otherwise. Fittingly, undergoing the uncomfortable experience of a polygraph test is often referred to as "going on the box." (

               However, some people still don't believe that Lie Detector works. In the same article, it stated, "Polygraph testing is probably only around 70 percent accurate, and it has a great bias against truthful people. Then, what the proponents say, looking at the same research, they reach a quite different conclusion, and that is that polygraph testing is around 90 percent accurate.". (

Monday 7 April 2014



A. Background of Study

                Lying is doing something, or telling something that is not true. People do it intentionally, may be it for a good's sake, or the bad's. It's part of a person's everyday lives. A person can't last a day without lying. Sometimes, people wouldn't even noticed that you just lied because it's a normal thing. For example, just by greeting someone, asking them if how they're doing when you actually don't care. It seems good but a lie is still a lie.

               Ulrich Boser wrote an article entitled, "We're All Lying Liars: Why people Tell Lies, and Why White Lies Can Be Ok". According to it, people tend to lie for about 2 or 3 times in every 10 minutes. The reason why people lie is because people want to gain rewards, for example, to protect a friend or a lover.

               Boser said, "Admit it: You've lied. You told a friend that his shirt looked stylish when you actually thought it was tacky and garish. Or maybe you said to your boss that her presentations were fascinating when in fact they were insipidly mindless. Or perhaps you told your landlord that the rent check was in the mail. Don't feel bad. You're in good, dishonest company. A growing body of research shows that people lie constantly, that deception is pervasive in everyday life." 


              Lying makes people socially acceptable. Everyone do it in order to socialize with everybody. It is even said that it seems better to tell a small lie than having someone worrying unnecessarily, or becoming sad, or losing momentum. It still has some positive effects, but even though, there are still consequences that people need to face when they tell lies. 

              An author named Chris Cotter wrote an article entitled, "Lies, A Part Of Human Nature". According to it, it's a fact that everyone lies every day points to the conclusion that untruths are an indivisible part of human nature. We tell lies to make problems less daunting. For example, one of your loved ones asks if how are you doing, you tell that person that you're fine because you don't want that person to worry.

              Cotter said, "From a very young age, we're told not to lie, but we're also simultaneously lied to about Santa Claus, or about the pet dog's death. We're similarly told to lie in order to avoid hurting another's feelings."

              People have this nature in them where they can't stand people who's close to us, getting hurt. So they tell lies in order for them to feel better. Just like what their parents told them when they were still kids, about Santa Claus, tooth fairies, or fairy tales, they told them that to make them feel happy. And in the future, everyone be doing the same for their kids. But, this is one of the reason why people learn to lie.

              An author named Po Bronson wrote an article entitled "Learning to Lie". According to it, kids learned how to lie because their parents teach them to. Parents don't exactly tell their kids to lie, but kids see them doing it. Kids see their parents as one of their role models, so when one of the parents, they'll copy it. 

              Bronson said, "Consider how we expect a child to act when he opens a gift he doesn't like. We instruct him to swallow all his honest reactions and put on a polite smile."

              Peopl learnt how to lie when they were kids so it's normal to lie. It is said that lying is part of people's nature. But that doesn't mean people can't avoid it. Anyone can and people need to avoid it. As I've said, there are consequences when you lie, may be it a white lie, or a black lie. Therefore, a lie is still a lie. One of the consequence people might face is the effect of lies in a relationship.

              An author named Martie Lownsberry wrote an article entitles "How Can Lying Affect a Relationship". According to it, a lie can destroy a strong built relationship. Trust and respect built one strong relationship. It is said that without these two, a relationship is doomed to suffer if not fail. If you lie, it can destroy the two most most important ingredient in relationship. If you lie, you'll lose their trust and leave your partner disrespected.

              Lownsberry said, "Doubting someone you love puts a strain on the relationship that never quite goes away. The person being lied too may feel the need to verify everything you say to them. Over time, this erodes the relationship. While one partner gets weary of not being able to trust their partner, the other partner begins to weary of never being trusted. Arguments can ensure, and even acting out of anger and a sense of frustration may occur making it even harder for trust to be reestablished."

              Lying really can give a huge impact on one's relationship with anyone. But it is said that lying in unstoppable. However, researcher observes that lying can be avoidable. There are several ways on how to know if someone is lying.

              Having an idea when someone is lying can help people. When you caught someone lying and confront them, sure they'll not lie again. This can help people to stop lying and it'll be easy for people to not be fooled easily.

              The purpose of this making this paper is to help people know the bad effects of lying. And also, to help the reader to easily figure out when someone is lying to them.

B. Statement of the Problem.

              This study aims to answer the question:

              1. What are the different ways to figure out if someone is lying?

C. Significance of Study.

College students of Psychology. This research paper would help college students who are taking Bachelor of Science in Psychology to know more or to get more ideas about the background of lying. College students can take this research paper as an activity to figure out liars.

Teachers and Professor of Psychology. This research can help teachers an professors who teaches students of psychology. Then can gain and learn some new things in this research paper, and teach them to students.

Parents. This research paper would help parents to have knowledge about lies. This research paper will help them to know how honest their family is. And also, this will help them to improve their family bond.

Future Researcher. This research paper can help future researcher to gain more knowledge about this topic. This will help them understand the topic more. This can be their basis for researcher's activities. And also, they'll learn things on how to figure out liars.

D. Scope and Delimitation.

              This research focuses on the different ways on how to know when someone is lying. Lying is one of the most dangerous situations that can destroy relationships. Lying has huge impact on everyone's lives so it must be avoided at all cost.

              This research will no longer focus on the psychological effects of Lies. This will mainly focus on knowing when someone is lying at what it can do to improve people's relationship with each other. 

E. Materials and Methods.

              The sources that was used in this research are mostly gathered from online articles that discusses lies and relationship.

              Datas were analyzed  by pointing and discussing ways on how lying affect everyone. Articles were gathered to form ways on how to figure liars. 

F.. Definition of Terms.

Consequence. Something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions, (

Deception. The act of making someone believe something that is not true : the act of deceiving someone. (

Dishonest. characterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthines (

Lie. To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. (